Le Général Flynn valide la lettre de l'archevêque Vigano qui
avertit le président Trump du Coup d'État mondial contre les peuples à travers
le contrôle sanitaire.
26’ début du débat : 6
sujets, 2 minutes chrono de réponse chacun.
Sujet n°1 : La crise du
26’28’’ : Trump sur le
28’30 : Biden sur le
Coronavirus :
-Trump est responsables des morts, n’a pas de
-Le masque aurait pu sauver des gens
-Invoque le New England Medical Journal pour
justifier une gestion catastrophique par Trump.
-Avec moi ça serait mieux, on aurait un plan
30’26’’ Question additionnelle
sur le vaccin avenir évoqué par Trump
30’35’’ réponse de Trump :
sans garantie mais vaccin en approche, question de semaines, cite les
compagnies et leur rend hommage (US et Europe)
31’ Question pour Trump :
sur le vaccin, remettant en cause les délais de distribution
31’20’’ Réponse de Trump :
avec l’aide logistique militaire déjà prêt.
31’38 Question à Biden :
sur un sondage selon lequel 40 % des Américains seraient prêts à prendre avec,
à condition qu’il soit validé par le gouvernement américain : que
ferait-il pour augmenter ce taux de confiance ?
31’50 Réponse de Biden :
assurer la transparence. Remet en cause les annonces successives de Trump
depuis mars à ce sujet, aucun plan d’avenir, annonce un « Hiver
sombre ».
32’29’’ Trump fustige la
futurologie rétroactive, défend son action
33’35’’ réponse de Biden : Trump
est xénophobe, non pas parce qu’il a coupé les accès avec la Chine, mais l’a
fait après que 40 autres pays l’ont fait. Trump a encensé la Chine en janvier
2020, ensuite il a parlé d’une loi d Défense requise pour protéger le peuple,
mais n’a rien fait. Puis il sort de l’hopital et nous raconte que tout va bien
34’28’’ réponse de Trump :
tout le monde ne peut pas se confiner chez lui, comme Biden qui a beaucoup
d’argent pour ça. J’ai reçu les américains, quel que soit le danger, je
n’allais pas me confiner. 99,9% des personnes jeunes atteintes guérissent. Nous
devons vivre et pas fermer la nation, ou nous n’aurons plus de nation.
35’35’’ journaliste :
confirme que le CDC dit que les jeunes peuvent bien sûr être malades du COVID
sans le transmettre.
35’48 Biden veut répondre : Trump
dit que les gens apprennent à vivre avec le COvid, je dis que les gens
apprennent à mourir avec le COvid. « Vous les gens qui regardez, vous
aurez une chaise vide à la maison », femme, mari… la faute à Trump…
36’20’’ réponse de Trump : ce
n’es pas ma faute ni celle de Je mais celle de la Chine, qui la contenu chez
elle mais l’a transmis au reste du monde.
36’42’’ réponse de Biden :
Trump a trop dédramatisé, c’était sous contrôle, jusque ça tue des centaines de
milliers de personnes chez nous.
37’10’’ réponse Trump : Quand
j’ai fait fermer les USA ? Biden était contre, Pelosi aussi, elle dansait
dans Chinatown, Biden a dit que c’était terrible et que j’était xénophobie et
37’39’’ Biden nie, autre
37’52 Trump,
impérieux : Il pensait que je n’aurais pas dû fermer la frontière,
c’était patent.
Biden ne répond pas.
38’ sur les startagies
anti-COVID, sur l’impact économique :
38’17’’ Biden : Trump
n’a pas assez négocié, pas assez donné…
39’30’’ Trump : Voir ce
que les Gouverneurs Démocrates ont fait (Californie), pas très glorieux ;
son propre fils a eu le COVID (testé positif), c’est parti tout seul, le
système immunitaire peut faire face
40’12’’ question sur
l’ouverture des écoles, et Boston passnt au tout-numérique dans les écoles –
quel es le message de Trump pour les parents qui ont peur :
40’30’’ Trump : le taux
de transmission aux profs est très faible, nous devons maintenir les écoles et
le pays fonctionnel et non fermé. Risque social, létal (dépression, chômage,
drogues, alcool, suicides…). Le remède ne peut être pire que le mal. Seul Biden
veut tout fermer.
41’15’’ Biden: il faut
les moyens, distances sociales, plexiglas, etc… Tester rapidement… « Et
vous professeur, soit dit en passant, vous ne serez pas nombreux à mourir, ne
vous inquiétez pas de ça » [ironique, singe Trump]
42’07’’ : si vous
regardez New York, c’est une ville fantôme, les solutions de Biden sont la mort
de l’économie réelle. C’était une ville vivante, à présent tout le monde la
42’40’’ Biden : c’était
nécessaire. Comparez les Etats (au sein des USA) « bleus »
(Démocrates) et « rouges » (républicains) : les fautifs sont les
Républicains. Il faut porter les masques, financer,
43’20’’ Trump :chiffres de décès hauts dans les Etats
Démocrates (MI/NCA), + mesures liberticides, inconstitutionnelles, ça ne marche
pas. Il faut ouvrir, protéger les plus faibles ; nous avons beaucoup de
cas parce que nous avons les meilleurs tests.
44’11’’ Journaliste :
contre les insultes de Trump cette semaine contre Anthony Fauci, le meilleur
docteur du pays, un « désastre », les autres experts médicaux
seraient des « idiots ». Quels experts croyez-vous alors ?
44’24’’ Réponse Trump :
Je les écoute tous, Anthony (Fauci) oinclus. Mais il s’es contredit, pour lui
il ne faut pas mettre de masques. Personne n’avait de certitudes sur ce vrus,
pas même Fauci.
45’10 Biden: en janvier
Trump savait (la dangerosité) et n’a rien dit au peuple… Ne voulait pas que les
gens paniquent. C’est lui qui a paniqué. Entretemps nous avons su par le NYT
que ses amis sont allés voir Wall Street pour dire qu’ils savaient que c’était
dangereux, et leur dire de shorter leurs positions parce que ça allait être
46’58’’ Trump : je ne
sais pas de quoi parle le NYT mais ce n’est pas moi qui prend de l’argent de
WS, mais lui, Biden. Vous avez levé plein d’argent (pour sa campagne), or je
sais qu’à chaque fois qu’on lève de l’argent (ce n’est jamais gratuit), il y a
des accords/arrangements/deals derrière. Je pourrais le faire moi aussi, je
pourrais lever des records d’argent, mais je ne vais pas le faire car ça me
placerait en mauvaise position ensuite. C’est la raison pour laquelle vous
devriez pas trop parler de Wall Street, parce que s’il y a qui touche l’argent
de Wall Street, c’est vous : je pourrais exploser les records d’argent
engrangée de Wall Street, mais nous n’avons pas besoin et en fait j’ai déjà
battu Hillary (en 2016) Clinton avec beaucoup moins d’argent qu’elle en avait,
46’42’’Journaliste tente de
46’42’’ Biden : contribution
moyenne (des donneurs de fonds de ma campagne) : 43 $
46’45’’ Journaliste : Nouveau
sujet : Sécurité Nationale
La journaliste lance le sujet à
partir des déclarations d’officiel du renseignement disant que la Russie et
l’Iran étaient en train d’essayer d’influencer les élections, avait obtenu des
informations sur l’enregistrement (/inscription sur les listes électorales) des
électeurs, et l’Iran aurait envoyé des messages intimidants aux électeurs de
Floride. [Conte de fée qu’il faut être bien crédule pour gober…]
47’14 Biden : je
m’assurerai que tout pays souhaitant influencer nos élections en payerait le
prix, et je demande à tout le monde de faire le même serment. Il a été de plus
en plus clair durant ces élections que la Russie et la Chine ont été impliquée,
à présent l’Iran aussi. Ils en paieront le prix si je suis élu. Interférence
dans la souveraineté américaine. À ce que j’en sais, le président [Trump] n’a
rien dit à ce sujet et je me demande bien pourquoi… alors qu’il parle beaucoup
à Poutine, peut-être qu’il aurait davantage à l’encontre des Iraniens
[incrimination de collusion à peine voilée]. Mais dans cette situation où des
nations étrangères tentent d’influencer les élections, ses conseillers à la
Sécurité National lui disent [à Trump] ce qui est en train de se passer avec
son copain Rudy Giuliani, qui est utilisé comme un pion russe, qu’il s’est fait
nourrir avec la fosse inter informations, mais rien ne se passe [aucune
conséquence contre Rudy Giuliani]. Tout ce que je peux vous dire c’est que je
me tiendrai loin de l’influence russe, en tant que prochain préside des
États-Unis, parce qu’ils me connaissent et que je les connais [martial]. Je ne
comprends pas pourquoi ce Président [Trump] est incapable de défier Poutine
lorsqu’il paye des primes à quiconque tue des soldats américains en Afghanistan
[FAUX – propagande]. Je ne sais pourquoi il ne le fait pas, cela serait
pertinent de lui poser la question [accusations de trahison à peine voilée –
regard de tueur de Trump] : pourquoi ne fait-il rien contre des manœuvres
qui affectent notre souveraineté? Ils devraient en payer le prix.
49’15’’ Journaliste relance Trump en
l’orientant : que feriez-vous donc dans votre prochain mandat pour mettre un
terme à ces intimidations et interférences de la part d’adversaires
étrangers ?
49’27 Trump : laissez-moi
répondre à cela. Tout d’abord, Joe [Biden] a reçu 3,5 millions de dollars de la
Russie [Biden fait le « surpris/outré »], qui ont transité par
Poutine parce qu’il était ami de l’ancien maire de Moscou, avec l’entremise de
sa femme. Vous [à Biden] avait reçu 3,5 millions de dollars, et un jour vous
allait devoir expliquer pourquoi. Je n’ai jamais reçu d’argent de la Russie. Au
sujet de votre point évoqué [déclaration d’officiel du renseignement] de la
nuit dernière, je savais tout à ce sujet. John Ratcliffe (Director
of National Intelligence - DNI))[1] qui est
fantastique, une chose qui est commun à deux, c’es qu’ils veulent que vous
perdiez, parce que personne d’autre que moi n’est aussi fort contre la Russie.
Entre les sanctions [que j’ai décidé] et mon activité pour que les pays de
l’OTAN financent davantage leur propre défense contre la Russie (130 milliards
de plus, effort de guerre portée à 420 milliards de dollars/an). Pendant que
[Biden] vendait des oreillers et des draps, je vendais des matériels antichars
à l’Ukraine. Rappelez-vous (Biden) : durant votre mandat [en tant que
Vice-président], le Russes ont pris la base sous-marine à l’Ukraine [Allusion à
la Crimée/Sébastopol], vous vous en souvenez ? Mais c’est vous qui avez
obtenu, avec Obama, beaucoup d’argent de la Russie, et probablement vous en
touchez encore. Et Quid des emails, de cette horrible affaire d’e-mails
évoquant le type (la provenance) de l’argent que vous avez touché alors que
vous étiez Vice-président, vous et votre famille [allusion à l’affaire
ukrainienne/ Hunter Biden, Biden baisse les yeux]. Je pense que vous devez une
explication au peuple américain : qu’est-ce que c’était que ça ? On a eu
une conférence de presse récemment, de quelqu’un qui est censé travaillé avec
vous et avec votre famille, et ce qui a été dit est une damnation pour vous et
votre famille. Indépendamment de moi, je pense que vous devez ôter cette tâche
de votre blason et parler de cela au peuple américain, là, tout de suite.
51’29’’ Biden invité à
répondre : je n’ai pas pris un seul penny d’une source étrangère de
toute ma vie. Nous avons appris que ce président a payé 50 fois le montant de
ses impôts à la Chine, sur un compte bancaire secret en Chine, fait des
affaires avec la Chine, et en fait il parle de moi recevant de l’argent ?
Je n’ai jamais reçu de l’argent d’un quelconque pays étranger, jamais. Point
numéro un. Point numéro deux : j’ai divulgué tous mes actes d’imposition (sur
22 ans), et vous [Trump], aucun. Pourquoi les cachez-vous ? La Russie et
la Chine vous payent beaucoup ? Dans tous vos hôtels dans le pays et
partout dans le monde, les Chinois construisent en ce moment même une nouvelle
route vers l’un de vos terrains de golf à l’étranger… Qu’est-ce que cela
signifie ? Arrêter de faux vous parlez d’exemptions d’impôts et commencer
à parler de corruption !
52’32’’ réponse de Trump : j’ai
appelé mes documentscomptables en vue de produire mes documents d’audit comptables,
et vous pourrez juger de la crédibilité de mon entreprise, mais plus important
que cela, les gens ont économisé 750 $ [réduction d’impôt]. Il y a une semaine,
j’ai demandé ce que j’avais payé, on m’a répondu que j’ai déjà prépayé des
dizaines de millions de dollars. Je paye d’avance des sommes basées sur des
estimations tenant compte de mes impôts futurs, et personne ne vous le dit [la
journaliste tente de l’interrompre]. Mais surtout, ce n’est pas moi qui prends
de l’argent de la Chine, ni de l’Ukraine, ce n’est pas moi qui reçois 3,5
millions de dollars de la Chine mais c’est vous [Biden]. Il y a même une preuve
écrite impliquant ton fils [à Biden, Hunter Biden, donc] attestant d’une
rétrocommission de 10 % de Votre fils au « Big Man », vous, Joe
Qu’est-ce que c’est que cette histoire [corruption réelle]
53’51’’ : La journaliste interrompt,
Trump confirme:il est bien
d’accord, j’étais maltraité par les impôts (IRS), avant la course à la
présidence (2016)
44’32’’ la journaliste : je
voudrais vous interroger tous les deux au sujet de vos potentielles
implications dans des imbroglios étrangers.
54’44 Biden : montrer
nouveaux documents, arrêtez de tourner autour du pot depuis quatre ans. Vous ne
payez pas vos impôts ou vous en payez beaucoup trop peu en abusant du système
[pousse son avantage].
55’10’’ Trump : j’ai été
pris dans une chasse aux sorcières, cela a commencé avant même que je sois élu
(en 2016). Mueller, du FBI poussé par des Démocrates hargneux, ont dépensé 48
millions de dollars pour le prouver absolument rien quant à une éventuelle collusion
avec la Russie (Russiagate). Au contraire, je garantis qu’avec seulement 1
million j’arriverais approuver bien des choses contre vous (Biden), vu la
provenance de l’argent que vous et votre famille a touché. Vos frères ont fait
des millions de dollars, je doute que vous n’en ayez touché aucun… [Biden rit]
56’08’’ Journaliste : il y a en
effet des questions au sujet de ce que vous et votre famille avez fait en Chine
quand vous étiez vice-présidents. Y a-t-il eu alors des comportements
inappropriés ou non éthique, concernant votre fils en Ukraine ?
56 :22 Biden : rien
d’attentatoire à l’éthique, déni complet, tout a été regardé comme fait
parfaitement dans les règles de la [Trump fait « non » de la tête].
J’ai fait mon travail impeccablement… mais celui qui a des choses à se
reprocher en Ukraine cette, qui a tenté de corrompre le gouvernement ukrainien
afin de dire des méchancetés sur moi [Trump fait non en souriant]. Mais rien ne
s’est jamais passé, mon fils n’a pas touché l’argent, pas plus que de la Chine.
Il n’y a que Trump qui reçu de l’argent avec la Chine.
57’24’’ Trump tente de
répondre, la journaliste tente de poser une question, c’est Trump qui peut
placer la sienne : Juste une question : quand Biden est devenu
Vice-président, son fils qui n’avait pas de travail depuis longtemps, et
malheureusement il ne faisait plus partie de l’Armée( mais je ne vais pas
insister là-dessus), mais à peine son père devenu VP, il (Hunter son fils) a
été payé 183000$/mois d’une compagnie ukrainienne Prisma, et on lui a donné
3[,5]Millions$ d’avance…
57’58’’ Journaliste : « on
a compris » puis Biden interrompt : personne n’a incriminé les
agissements de mon fils [Hunter Biden] en Ukraine…
58’02’’ Question pour
Trump : depuis que vous êtes au pouvoir, vous avez fait
personnellement la promotion de vos entreprises à l’étranger. Des comptes
bancaires en Chine de vos entreprises ont été évoqués. Comment peut-on avoir
confiance dans vos liens financiers avec l’étranger ?
58’18’’ Trump : j’ai des
comptes bancaires partout, en tant qu’homme d’affaires faisant des affaires
partout. Le continent auquel vous vous référez a été créés en 2013 et clos en
2015. Je me suis justement abstenu de faire d’autres affaires en Chine, dans la
perspective et avant même de concourir pour la présidentielle. À la différence
de Biden lorsqu’il était Vice-président [Biden rit en coin], [qui n’a pas
arrêté ses affaires durant son mandat]. Grosse différence : ses frères et
son fils se sont enrichis durant son mandat de Vice-président. Ils sont comme
un aspirateur qui sucent l’argent de partout où ils peuvent..
59’22 Biden : Pas vrai.
59’24 Journaliste à Biden : au
sujet de la Chine, plus globalement [ça sonne comme une diversion/hâte de
passer à un autre sujet] : le président contraint à dit qu’il devrait
payer pour n’avoir pas été pleinement transparent concernant le Corona virus.
Vous étiez présidents, feriez-vous payer la Chine ? Détaillez comment.
59’40’’ Biden: je ramènerai
la Chine dans le droit international, pas comme ce que Trump a fait. Il a
aggravé le déficit des États-Unis au bénéfice de la Chine. Pour faire des
affaires en Chine, vous devez céder votre propriété intellectuelle. Vous devez
avoir un partenaire en Chine à 51 %. Premièrement, nous ne ferions plus ça. Deuxièmement,
nous ferions en sorte de faire jouer la Chine selon les règles du droit
international. Quand j’ai rencontré le Président Xi alors que j’étais encore
Vice-président, il n’avait dit que la Chine mettait en place des zones
d’identification aérienne en mer de Chine méridionale, et que nous ne pourrions
plus y voler. J’ai dit que nous pourrions tout de même y voler. Nous avons
juste fait passer des bombardiers stratégiques B-52 et B1 dans ces zones. Nous
allons faire pareil ne pas prêter attention à leurs interdictions : il doit
jouer selon les règles [du droit international tel qu’imposé par les
Anglo-Américains…] et qu’est-ce que Trump fait, au contraire ? Il
s’acoquine avec des mafieux, comme en Corée du Nord ou le Président chinois ou Poutine
et d’autres, au détriment de nos amis et de tous nos alliés. Nous ne
représentons que 25 % de l’économie mondiale. Nous avons besoin du reste de nos
amis avec nous pour dire à la Chine : « voilà les règles, vous devez jouer
selon ses règles où vous allez payer le prix économique ». C’est la façon
dont je vois les choses et c’est ce que nous avons fait en VO sans les droits
de douane sur l’acier et sur toute une gamme de produits lorsque j’étais
1:01 :01
Kristen Welker veut passer à la Corée du Nord, Trump veut répondre à ça :
son fils a fait 1Milliard et demi de dollars avec la Chine…
1 :01 :08
Joe Biden: Pas vrai [impérieux]
Trump: … après avoir passé seulement 10 minutes à traiter et à avoir utilisé
Air Force two pour cela, premièrement. Deuxièmement, il y a de lourds échanges
de courriels concernant votre famille désireuse de faire 10 millions de dollars
par an en tant que facilitateurs d’affaires [introductions].
1 :01 :23
Kristen Welker tente de l’interrompre et de le ramener sur la politique
chinoise, Biden nie : que feriez-vous pour faire payer la Chine,
concrètement, car vous avez dit que vous allez les faire payer.
Donald Trump: premièrement, la Chine est en train de payer. Ils payent des
milliards de dollars. Je viens juste de donner 28 milliards de dollars…
Kristen Welker: de nouvelles sanctions économiques ?
Donald Trump: Je viens juste de donner 28 milliards de dollars à nos fermiers.
Joe Biden : de l’argent du contribuable qui n’est pas venu de la Chine
Donald Trump: non, le contribuable l’occurrence s’appelle la Chine
Joe Biden : Pas vrai
Donald Trump: la Chine a payé 28 milliards, et vous savez ce qu’ils ont
fait pour le payer, Joe ? Ils ont dévalué leur monnaie et ils payent en
plus, et qui obtient cet argent ? Nos fermiers, nos excellents fermiers
parce qu’ils étaient ciblés. Vous n’avez jamais rien fait pour taxer la Chine.
Je leur ai également imposé 25 % sur l’acier, parce que leur dumping tuait notre
industrie de l’acier. Nous n’avions nous n’allions plus avoir d’aciérie, et à
présent nous avons de nouveau une industrie de l’acier.
Joe Biden : il y a une raison pour laquelle il raconte toutes ces
sornettes. Il ne veut pas parler des questions de fond. Il ne s’agit pas de sa
famille et de ma famille, mais de vos familles (des familles américaines)
souffre durement. Si vous êtes des familles de classe moyenne, souffrait
durement en ce moment même. Vous vous demandez à la table de la cuisine ce matin,
« nous avons besoin de nouveaux pneus, mais nous devons attendre le mois
prochain ». Ou bien : « serions-nous capables de payer
l’hypothèque ? » OU encore : « qui va devoir lui dire
qu’elle ne pourra pas retourner à l’université ? » Voilà les décisions
que font les familles de classe moyenne comme celle dans lesquels j’ai grandi à
Scranton et Claymont : elles sont dans la bar financier. Nous devrions
parler des familles, mais c’est la dernière chose dont Trump veut parler.
Donald Trump veut répondre, Biden veut parler de la Corée du Nord, Trump : c’est
une déclaration typique de politicien, de vouloir faire « homme du
peuple ». Moi je ne suis pas un politicien typique. C’est la raison pour
laquelle j’ai été élu. Finissons le sujet avec la Chine, parlons des
négociations, Allez, Joe, tu peux faire mieux…
1:03:14 Kristen Welker: au
sujet de la Corée du Nord à présent. Président Trump, vous avez rencontré trois
fois Kim Jong-Un. Vous avez parlé de vos belles lettres échangées avec lui.
Vous avez vanté le fait qu’il n’y avait pas eu de guerre ni d’essai de MBCI, or
la Corée du Nord vient récemment de divulguer son plus gros MBCI et continue de
développer son arsenal nucléaire. Voyez-vous cela comme une trahison de la
relation que vous avez forgée ?
1:03:40 Donald Trump : non.
Quand j’ai rencontré Barack Obama, dans la maison blanche, au tout début, nous
avons eu une grande conversation. Elle devait durer un quart d’heure mais elle
dura plus d’une heure. Il a dit : « le plus gros problème que nous avons
c’est la Corée du Nord ». Il a indiqué que nous aurions une guerre avec la
Corée du Nord. Devinez quoi ? Une guerre nucléaire. Et il a des capacités
nucléaires. Entre-temps, j’ai eu une très bonne relation avec [Kim Jong-Un]. Un
homme certainement différent de moi, mais il pense probablement la même chose
de moi. Nous avons une relation entre personnes différentes, une très bonne
relation et pas de guerre. Et il y a deux mois de cela, il est en effet entré
dans un certain domaine. Il a été alors dit : « oh, il va y avoir du
grabuge ». J’ai dit « non, parce qu’il ne va pas faire cela
[déclencher une guerre nucléaire] ». J’avais raison. Regardez, au lieu
d’avoir mené à la guerre des millions et des millions de personnes auraient pu
mourir, nous n’avons pas de guerre et j’ai une bonne relation avec lui.
1:04:30 Kristen Welker donne la
parole à Biden: la Corée du Nord quatre tests nucléaire sous
l’administration Obama. Pourquoi pensez-vous que vous seriez capables de régner
sur cette menace persistante ?
1:04:42 Joe Biden : parce
que je rendrai claire avec la Corée du Nord comme avec la Chine, ils doivent
tous les deux faire parti d’un accord, comme je l’avais clair en tant que
porte-parole parce que je m’étais rendu en Chine. [On m’avait demandé] :
« pourquoi déplacez-vous votre défense antibalistique si près ?
Pourquoi déplacez-vous vos forces militaires ici ? Pourquoi continuez-vous
à faire des manœuvres militaires [américaines] avec la Corée du
Sud » ? J’ai répondu : « parce que la Corée du Nord est un
problème, et nous allons continuer à faire cela afin de les contrôler, de façon
à ce qu’il ne puisse pas nous frapper. Et donc, si vous voulez faire quelque
chose contre cela, rejoignez nos efforts. Si vous ne le faites pas, nous
continuerons quand même ». [Légitimation de la pression américaine assure la
Chine, sous prétexte d’une nécessité d’agir contre la Corée du Nord – jeu de
pressions/contre-pressions diplomatiques et géopolitiques, c’est au contraire
la stratégie discourtoise que Trump a plutôt freinée[3]]. Or,
qu’est-ce que Trump a fait ? Il a légitimé la Corée du Nord. Il parle de
son bon copain [Kim Jong-Un], qui est un bandit. Et il dit que nous sommes
mieux de nous en désintéresser. Et à présent ils ont plus de capacité
missilières, capable d’atteindre le territoire des États-Unis bien plus
facilement qu’auparavant.
1:05:30 Kristen Welker donne la
parole à Biden: vous dites que vous ne rencontreriez pas Kim Jong-un sans
préconditions quelles seraient vos conditions pour le rencontrer ?
1:05:38 Joe Biden : à
condition de réduire ses capacités nucléaires. La péninsule coréenne devrait
être une zone exemptée de capacités nucléaires
1:05:45 Kristen Welker tente de
passer au sujet suivant des familles américaines
1:05:50 Donald Trump demande la
parole: ils [Obama/Biden]ont tenté de se réunir avec Kim Jong-un, il ne
voulait pas. Il n’avait pas Obama, pas plus que Biden, il ne l’aurait pas fait.
Je sais qu’ils ont essayé, soit. Mais vous savez quoi ? Il n’y a pas de
guerre avec la Corée du Nord et nous avons une bonne relation. Les gens ne
comprennent pas : avoir de bonnes relations avec les dirigeants des autres pays
et une bonne chose.
1:06:13 Kristen Welker redonne la
parole à Biden: mais nous avions une bonne relation avec Hitler avant qu’il
n’envahisse l’Europe Allons! La raison pour laquelle [Kim Jong-un] ne voulait
pas rencontrer le président Obama, c’est parce que Obama avaient dit :
« nous allons parler dénucléarisation. Nous n’allons pas vous légitimer et
nous allons continuer à pousser des sanctions toujours plus dures contre
vous » c’est la raison pour laquelle il ne voulait pas nous rencontrer. 1:06:35 Donald Trump : et ça ne s’est pas passé pardon, mais ils m’ont
laissé un désordre. Et si vous vous souvenez des deux ou trois premiers mois,
c’était une période très dangereuse avant que nous ne fassions évoluer un peu
les choses. Ils nous ont laissé un désordre, dont Obama diraient je pense,
ayant été le premier à le dire, que c’était le seul et le plus gros problème qui
pensait que notre pays devait affronter
1:07:00 Sujet suivant : les FAmilles
Kristen Welker: (17:03)
Okay, let’s move on to American families and the economy. One of the issues
that’s most important to them is healthcare, as you both know. Today, there was
a key vote on a new Supreme Court Justice, Amy Coney Barrett, and healthcare is
at the center of her confirmation fight. Over 20 million Americans get their
health insurance through the Affordable Care Act. It’s headed to the Supreme
Court and your administration, Mr. President, is advocating for the court to
overturn it. If the Supreme Court does overturn that law, there’s 20 million
Americans could lose their health insurance almost overnight. So what would you
do if those people have their health insurance taken away? You have two minutes
Donald Trump: (17:40)
First of all, I’ve already done something that nobody thought was possible.
Through the legislature, I terminated the individual mandate. That is the worst
part of Obamacare, as we call it. The individual mandate where you have to pay
a fortune for the privilege of not having to pay for bad health insurance, I
terminated. It’s gone. Now, it’s in court, because Obamacare is no good. But
then I made a decision, run it as well as you can, to my people, great people,
run it as well as you can. I could have gone the other route and made everybody
very unhappy. They ran it. Premiums are down. Everything’s down. Here’s the
problem. No matter how well you run it, it’s no good. What we’d like to do is
terminate it. We have the individual mandate done. I don’t know that it’s going
to work. If we don’t win, we will have to run it and we’ll have Obamacare, but
it’ll be better run. But it no longer is Obamacare, because without the
individual mandate, it’s much different.
Donald Trump: (18:36)
Pre-existing conditions will always stay. What I would like to do is a much
better healthcare, much better. We’ll always protect people with pre-existing.
So I’d like to terminate Obamacare, come up with a brand new, beautiful
healthcare. The Democrats will do it, because there’ll be tremendous pressure
on them. And we might even have the House by that time. And I think we’re going
to win the House. You’ll see, but I think we’re going to win the House. But
come up with a better healthcare, always protecting people with pre-existing
conditions. And one thing very important, we have 180 million people out there
that have great private healthcare. Far more than we’re talking about with
Obamacare. Joe Biden is going to terminate all of those policies. These are
people that love their healthcare. People that have been successful,
middle-income people, been successful. They have 180 million plans, 180 million
people, families. Under what he wants to do, which will basically be socialized
medicine, he won’t even have a choice, they want to terminate 180 million
plans. We have done an incredible job at healthcare, and we’re going to do even
better. Just you watch.
Kristen Welker: (19:43)
Okay. Vice President Biden, yes, this is for you. Your healthcare plan calls
for building on Obamacare. So my question is, what is your plan if the law is
ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court? You have two minutes
Joe Biden: (19:56)
What I’m going to do is pass Obamacare with a public option, and become
Bidencare. The public option is an option that says that if you in fact do not
have the wherewithal, if you qualify for Medicaid and you do not have the
wherewithal in your state to get Medicaid, you automatically are enrolled,
providing competition for insurance companies. That’s what’s going to happen.
Secondly, we’re going to make sure we reduce the premiums and reduce drug
prices by making sure that there’s competition, that doesn’t exist now, by
allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices with the insurance companies. Thirdly,
the idea that I want to eliminate private insurance, the reason why I had such
a fight with 20 candidates for the nomination was I support private insurance.
That’s why. Not one single person with private insurance would lose their
insurance under my plan, nor did they under Obamacare. They did not lose their
insurance unless they chose they wanted to go to something else.
Joe Biden: (20:59)
Lastly, we’re going to make sure we’re in a situation that we actually protect
pre-existing. There’s no way he can protect pre-existing conditions. None,
zero. You can’t do it in the ether. He’s been talking about this for a long
time. He’s never come up with a plan. I guess we’re going to get the
pre-existing condition plan the same time we got the infrastructure plan that
we waited for since ’17, ’18, ’19, and 20. I still have a few more minutes. I
know you’re getting anxious. The fact is that he’s already cost the American
people, because of his terrible handling of the COVID virus and economic
spillover. 10 million people have lost their private insurance, and he wants to
take away 22 million more people who have it under Obamacare and over 110
million people with pre-existing conditions. And all the people from COVID are
going to have pre-existing conditions, what are they going to do?
Kristen Welker: (21:51)
I have a follow-up for you Vice President Biden. It relates to something that
President Trump said. He’s accusing you of wanting socialized medicine. What do
you say to people who have concerns that your healthcare plan, which includes a
government insurance option, takes-
Kristen Welker: (22:03)
Concerns that your healthcare plan, which includes a government insurance
option, takes the country one step closer to a healthcare system run entirely
by the government. What’s your response to that?
Joe Biden: (22:09)
I say it’s ridiculous. It’s like saying that the fact that there’s a public
option that people can choose, that makes it a socialist plan. Look, the
difference between the president and I… I think healthcare is not a privilege,
it’s a right. Everyone should have the right to have affordable healthcare, and
I am very proud of my plan. It’s gotten endorsed by all the major labor unions,
as well as a whole range of other people who, in fact, are concerned in the
medical field. This is something that’s going to save people’s lives. And this
is going to give some people an opportunity to have healthcare for their
children. How many of you at home are worried and rolling around in bed
tonight, wondering what in God’s name you’re going to do if you get sick,
because you’ve lost your health insurance and your company’s gone under? We
have to provide health insurance for people at an affordable rate, and that’s
what I do.
Donald Trump: (23:02)
… for 47 years. He didn’t do it. He was now there as vice president for eight
years. And it’s not like it was 25 years ago. It was three and three quarters…
It was just a little while ago, right? Less than four years ago. He didn’t do
anything. He didn’t do it. He wants socialized medicine. And it’s not that he
wants it. His vice president, she is more liberal than Bernie Sanders and wants
it even more. Bernie Sanders wants it. The Democrats want it. You’re going to
have socialized medicine, just like you want it with fracking. “We’re not going
to have fracking. We’re going to stop fracking. We’re going to stop fracking.”
Then he goes to Pennsylvania after he gets a nomination, where he got very
lucky to get it. And he goes to Pennsylvania, and he says, “Oh, we’re going to
have fracking.” And you never ask that question. And by the way, so far, I
respect very much the way you’re handling this, I have to say.
Kristen Welker: (23:56)
We have a number of topics we’re going to get to.
Donald Trump: (24:00)
No, no. But that’s a big question.
Kristen Welker: (24:01)
We’re going to get to a number of topics-
Donald Trump: (24:01)
It’s the same thing with socialized medicine.
Joe Biden: (24:03)
I have to respond to healthcare.
Kristen Welker: (24:04)
Vice President, your response please.
Joe Biden: (24:04)
My response is, people deserve to have affordable healthcare, period. Period,
period, period. And the Biden care proposal will in fact provide for that
affordable healthcare, lower premiums. What we’re going to do is going to cost
some money. It’s going to cost over $750 billion over 10 years to do it. And
they’re going to have lower premiums. You can buy into the better plans, the
cheaper plans, lower your premiums, deal with unexpected billing, and have your
drug prices drop significantly. He keeps talking about it. He hasn’t done a
thing for anybody on healthcare. Not a thing.
Kristen Welker: (24:38)
Very quickly, then I want to talk about what’s happening on Capitol Hill.
Donald Trump: (24:39)
When he says public option, he’s talking about socialized medicine and
healthcare. When he talks about a public option, he’s talking about destroying
your Medicare, totally destroying-
Joe Biden: (25:05)
He’s a very confused guy. He thinks he’s running against somebody else. He’s
running against Joe Biden. I beat all those other people because I disagreed
with them. Joe Biden, he’s running against. And the idea that we’re in a
situation that is going to destroy Medicare… This is the guy that the actuary
of Medicare said, “If in fact…” That’s Social Security. “If in fact he
continues his plan to withhold the tax on Social Security, Social Security will
be bankrupt by 2023 with no way to make up for it.” This is the guy who’s tried
to cut Medicare. The idea that Donald Trump is lecturing me on Social Security
and Medicare? Come on.
Kristen Welker: (25:49)
10 seconds, Mr. President, and then I have to go to another question.
Donald Trump: (25:49)
He tried to hurt Social Security years ago. Years ago. Go back and look at the
records. He tried to hurt Social Security years ago. One thing. But this is the
Kristen Welker: (25:57)
All right. Let’s move on. I’m going to move on.
Donald Trump: (25:59)
… that when they announced last week-
Kristen Welker: (26:00)
Mr. President, I have to move on to the next question or else we’re not going
to have time to talk about it.
Donald Trump: (26:02)
They say the stock market will boom if I’m elected. If he’s elected, the stock
market will crash.
Kristen Welker: (26:09)
Okay. Let’s move on to the next question.
Donald Trump: (26:09)
The biggest analysts are saying that.
Joe Biden: (26:12)
Look, the idea that the stock market is booming is his only measure of what’s
happening. Where I come from in Scranton and Claymont, the people don’t live
off of the stock market. Just in the last three years, during this crisis, the
billionaires in this country made, according to Wall Street, 700 billion more
dollars. 700 billion more dollars. Because that’s his only measure. What
happens to the ordinary people out there? What happens to them?
Kristen Welker: (26:41)
Let’s talk about what’s happening on Capitol Hill.
Donald Trump: (26:44)
401(k)s. Kristen, 401(k)s are through the roof.
Kristen Welker: (26:58)
As of tonight, more than 12 million people are out of work. And as of tonight,
8 million more Americans have fallen into poverty, and more families are going
hungry every day. Those hit hardest are women and people of color. They see
Washington fighting over a relief bill. Mr. President, why haven’t you been
able to get them the help they need? 30 seconds here.
Donald Trump: (27:18)
Because Nancy Pelosi doesn’t want to approve it. I do.
Donald Trump: (27:22)
I do. But I still have to get, unfortunately… That’s one of the reasons I think
we’re going to take over the House, because of her. Nancy Pelosi doesn’t want
to approve anything because she’d love to have some victories on a date called
November 3rd. Nancy Pelosi does not want to approve it. We are ready, willing,
and able to do something. Don’t forget, we’ve already approved three plans. And
it’s gone through, including the Democrats, in all fairness. This one, she
doesn’t want. It’s near the election. Because she thinks it helps her
politically. I think it hurts her politically.
Kristen Welker: (27:50)
All right, Mr. Vice President-
Joe Biden: (27:51)
By the way, as you know, the Republican leader in the United States Senate said
he can’t pass it. He will be able to pass it. He does not have Republican
votes. Why isn’t he talking to his Republican friends?
Kristen Welker: (28:02)
Let me follow up with you, Vice President Biden because-
Donald Trump: (28:04)
If we made a deal, the Republicans will pass it.
Kristen Welker: (28:05)
Let me ask Vice President Biden a question. You are the leader of the
Democratic party. Why have you not pushed the Democrats to get a deal for the
American people?
Joe Biden: (28:13)
I have, and they have pushed it. Look, they passed this act all the way back in
the beginning of the summer. It’s not new. It’s been out there. This HEROES Act
has been sitting there. And look at what’s happening. When I was in charge of
the recovery act with $800 billion, I was able to get $145 billion to local
communities that have to balance their budgets and states that have to balance
their budgets. And then they have to fire firefighters, teachers, first
responders, law enforcement officers, so they could keep their cities and
counties running. He will not support that. They have not done a thing for
them. And Mitch McConnell said, “Let them go bankrupt. Let them go bankrupt.”
Come on. What’s the matter with these guys?
Donald Trump: (28:56)
The bill that was passed in the House was a bailout of badly run, high crime,
Democrat, all run by Democrat cities and states. It was a way of getting a lot
of money, billions and billions of dollars, to these guys. It was also a way of
getting a lot of money from our people’s pockets to people that come into our
country illegally. We were going to take care of everything for them. And I’d
love to do that. I’d love to help them. But what that does, everybody all over
the world will start pouring into our country. We can’t do it. This was a way
of taking care of them. This was a way of spending on things that had nothing
to do with COVID, as per your question. But it was really a big bailout for
badly run Democrat cities and states.
Joe Biden: (29:40)
By the way, if I get elected, I’m not going to… I’m running as a proud
Democrat, but I’m going to be an American president. I don’t see red states and
blue states. What I see is American United States. And folks, every single
state out there finds themself in trouble. They’re going to start laying off,
whether they’re red or blue, cops, firefighters, first responders, teachers,
because they have to balance their budget. And the founders were smart. They
allowed the federal government to deficit spend to compensate for the United
States of America.
Kristen Welker: (30:10)
I want to talk about the minimum wage, gentlemen. Mr. Vice President, we are
talking a lot about struggling small businesses and business owners these days.
Do you think this is the right time to ask them to raise the minimum wage? You
of course support a $15 federal minimum wage.
Joe Biden: (30:24)
I do, because I think one of the things we’re going to have to do is we’re
going to have to bail them out too. We should be bailing them out now, those
small businesses. You got one in six of them going under. They’re not going to
be able to make it back. They passed a package that allows us to be able… They
call it PPP. Money is supposed to go to help them do everything from organize
how they can deal with their businesses being open safely, schools, how they
can make classrooms smaller, how they can hire more teachers, how they can put
ventilation systems in. They need the help. The businesses, as well as the
schools, need the help. These guys will not help them. It’s not giving them any
of the money.
Kristen Welker: (31:05)
We are going to move on to immigration, but I want to get-
Donald Trump: (31:06)
Excuse me. One thing very quickly. He said we have to help our small businesses
by raising the minimum wage. That’s not helping. I think it should be a state
option. Alabama is different than New York. New York is different from Vermont.
Every state is different. It should be a state option.
Donald Trump: (31:25)
How are you helping your small businesses when you’re forcing wages? What’s
going to happen, and what’s been proven to happen, is when you do that, these
small businesses fire many of their employees.
Kristen Welker: (31:39)
You said recently you would consider raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an
Donald Trump: (31:44)
What I really like, and I would consider it to an extent-
Kristen Welker: (31:46)
In a second administration?
Donald Trump: (31:47)
But what I really like… In a second administration. But not to a level that’s
going to put all these businesses out of business. It should be a state option.
Look, I’ve lived-
Donald Trump: (31:56)
… in different places. I know different places. They’re all different. Some
places, $ 15 is not so bad. In other places, other states, $15 would be
Kristen Welker: (32:05)
Okay, President Trump, thank you. Quick response Vice President Biden.
Joe Biden: (32:09)
No one should work one job, be below poverty. People are making six, seven,
eight bucks an hour. These first responders we all clap for as they come down
the street because they’ve allowed us to make it. What’s happening? They
deserve a minimum wage of $15. Anything below that puts you below the poverty
level. And there is no evidence that when you raise the minimum wage,
businesses go out of business. That is simply not true.
Kristen Welker: (32:34)
We’re going to talk about immigration.
Kristen Welker: (32:37)
We’re going to talk about immigration now, gentlemen. And we’re going to talk about
families within this context. Mr. President, your administration separated
children from their parents at the border, at least 4,000 kids. You’ve since
reversed your zero tolerance policy, but the United States can’t locate the
parents of more than 500 children. So how will these families ever be reunited?
Donald Trump: (32:57)
Children are brought here by coyotes and lots of bad people, cartels…
Donald Trump: (33:02)
[inaudible 00:33:00] and lots of bad people, cartels, and they’re brought here
and they used to use them to get into our country. We now have as strong a
border as we’ve ever had. We’re over 400 miles of brand new wall. You see the
numbers. And we let people in, but they have to come in legally and they come
in through [crosstalk 00:00:17]-
Kristen Welker: (33:17)
But how will you reunite these kids with their families, Mr. President?
Donald Trump: (33:20)
But let me just tell you. Let me just tell you. They built cages. They used to
say I built the cages, and then they had a picture in a certain newspaper, and
it was the picture of these horrible cages and they said, “Look at these cages.
President Trump built them.” And then it was determined they were built in
2014. That was him. They built cages.
Kristen Welker: (33:39)
Do you have a plan to reunite the kids with their families?
Donald Trump: (33:39)
Yes. We’re working on it very… We’re trying very hard. But a lot of these kids
come out without the parents. They come over through cartels and through
coyotes and through gangs.
Kristen Welker: (33:48)
Vice President Biden, let me bring you into this conversation. Quick response,
and then another question to you.
Joe Biden: (33:52)
These 500-plus kids came with parents. They separated them at the border to
make it a disincentive to come to begin with. “Be real tough. We’re really
strong.” And guess what? They cannot… Coyotes didn’t bring them over. Their
parents were with them. They got separated from their parents. And it makes us
a laughingstock and violates every notion of who we are as a nation.
Kristen Welker: (34:18)
Let me ask you a followup question.
Donald Trump: (34:19)
Kristen, they did it. We changed the policy. They did it. We changed.
Joe Biden: (34:29)
Let’s talk about what we’re talking about. What happened? Parents were ripped…
Their kids were ripped from their arms and separated, and now they cannot find
over 500 of the sets of those parents, and those kids are alone. Nowhere to go.
Nowhere to go. It’s criminal. It’s criminal.
Kristen Welker: (34:49)
Let me ask you about [crosstalk 00:34:50] in 10 seconds and then I need to ask
[crosstalk 00:34:53].
Donald Trump: (34:50)
Kristen, I will say this. They went down. We brought reporters, everything.
They are so well taken care of. They’re in facilities that were so clean.
Kristen Welker: (34:58)
But some of them haven’t been reunited with their families.
Donald Trump: (35:00)
They have gotten such good… But just ask one question. Who built the cages? I’d
love you to ask him that. Who built the cages, Joe?
Kristen Welker: (35:05)
Let me ask about your immigration policy, Mr. Vice President. The Obama
Administration did fail to deliver immigration reform, which had been a key
promise during the administration. It also presided over record deportations,
as well as, family detentions at the border before changing course. So why
should voters trust you with an immigration overhaul now?
Joe Biden: (35:23)
Because we made a mistake made. It took too long to get it right. Took too long
to get it right. I’ll be President of the United States, not Vice President of
the United States. And the fact is I’ve made it very clear. Within a 100 days,
I’m going to send to the United States Congress a pathway to citizenship for
over 11 million undocumented people. And all of those so-called dreamers, those
DACA kids, they’re going to be immediately certified again to be able to stay
in this country and put on a path to citizenship. The idea that they are being
sent home by this guy and they want to do that is they’ve gone to they’ve never
seen before. I can imagine. You’re five years old. Your parents are taking
across the Rio Grande River and it’s illegal. And you say, “Oh, no, Mom. Leave
me here. I’m not going to go with you.” They been here. Many of them are model
citizens. Over 20,000 of them are first responders out there taking care of
people during this crisis. We owe them. We owe them.
Kristen Welker: (36:24)
President Trump, your reaction.
Donald Trump: (36:24)
Kristen, he had eight years to do what he said he was going to do. And I’ve
changed. Without having a specific, we got rid of catch and release. We got rid
of a lot of horrible things that they put in and that they lived with. But he
had eight years he was Vice President. He did nothing except build cages to
keep children in.
Kristen Welker: (36:47)
Vice President Biden, your response.
Joe Biden: (36:48)
The catch and release, you know what he’s talking about there? If in fact you
had a family came across and they were arrested, they in fact were given a date
to show up for their hearing. They were released. And guess what? They showed
up for a hearing. And this is the first President in the history of the United
States of America that anybody seeking asylum has to do it in another country.
That’s never happened before in America. That’s never happened before in
America. You come to the United States and you make your case that, “I seek
asylum based on the following premise, why I deserve it under American law.”
They’re sitting in squalor on the other side of the river.
Kristen Welker: (37:27)
President Trump, your response. 30 seconds. And then we’ll move on.
Donald Trump: (37:29)
So important. It just shows that he has no understanding of immigration, of the
laws. Catch and release is a disaster. A murderer would come in. A rapist would
come in. A very bad person would come in. We would take their name. We have to
release them into our country. And then you say they come back. Less than 1% of
the people come back. We have to send ICE out and Border Patrol out to find
them. We would say, “Come back in two years, three years. We’re going to give
you a court case. You did Perry Mason. We’re going to give you a court case.”
When you say they come back, they don’t come back, Joe. They never come back.
Only the really… I hate to say this, but those with the lowest IQ, they might
come back, but there are very, very few.
Kristen Welker: (38:15)
Okay, President Trump. Let’s give Vice President Biden a chance to respond, and
then we’re going to move on to the next section.
Donald Trump: (38:20)
You don’t know the law, Joe.
Kristen Welker: (38:21)
Vice President Biden, your response.
Joe Biden: (38:22)
Know the law, what he’s telling you is simply not true. Check it out.
Donald Trump: (38:25)
Well, check it out. They don’t come back.
Kristen Welker: (38:37)
All right. Let’s talk about our next section, which is race in America. And I
want to talk about the way Black and Brown Americans experience race in this
country. Part of that experience is something called the talk. It happens
regardless of class and income, parents who feel they have no choice, but to
prepare their children for the chance that they could be targeted, including by
the police, for no reason other than the color of their skin. Mr. Vice
President, in the next two minutes, I want you to speak directly to these
families. Do you understand why these parents fear for their children?
Joe Biden: (39:14)
I do. I do. My daughter is a social worker and she’s written a lot about this.
She has her graduate degree from the University of Pennsylvania in social work.
And one of the reasons why I ended up working on the East Side of Wilmington,
Delaware, which is 90% African-American, was to learn more about what was going
on. I never had to tell my daughter if she’s pulled over, make sure she puts…
For a traffic stop. “Put both hands on top of the wheel and don’t reach for the
glove box because someone may shoot you.” But a Black parent, no matter how
wealthy or how poor they are, has to teach their child, “When you’re walking
down the street, don’t have a hoodie on when you go across the street.
Joe Biden: (00:00)
Making sure that you, in fact, if you get pulled over just, yes, sir, no, sir.
Hands on top of the wheel. Because you are in fact, the victim, whether you’re
a person making 300,000 … child of a $300,000 a year person or someone who’s on
food stamps. The fact of the matter is, there is institutional racism in
America. And we have always said, we’ve never lived up to it, that we hold
these truths to be self-evident, all men and women are created equal. Well,
guess what, we have never, ever lived up to it. But we’ve always constantly
been moving the needle further and further to inclusion, not exclusion. This is
the first president to come along and says, that’s the end of that. We’re not
going to do that anymore. We have to provide for economic opportunity, better
education, better healthcare, better access to schooling, better access to
opportunity to borrow money to start businesses, all the things we can do. And
I’ve laid out a clear plan as to how to do those things just to give people a
shot. It’s about accumulating the ability to have wealth as well as it is to be
free from violence.
Kristen Welker: (01:06)
President Trump, same question to you, and let me remind you of the question. I
would like you to speak directly to these families, do you understand why these
parents fear for their children?
Donald Trump: (01:15)
Yes, I do. And again, he’s been in government 47 years, he never did a thing,
except in 1994, when he did such harm to the black community, and they were
called … and he called them superpredators. And he said that, he said it,
superpredators. And they never lived that down. 1994, your crime bill, the
superpredators. Nobody has done more for the black community than Donald Trump.
And if you look, with the exception of Abraham Lincoln, possible exception, but
the exception of Abraham Lincoln, nobody has done what I’ve done. Criminal
justice reform, Obama and Joe didn’t do it. I don’t even think they tried
because they had no chance at doing it. They might’ve wanted to do it. But if
you had to see the arms I had to twist to get that done, it was not a pretty
picture. And everybody knows it, including some very liberal people that cried
in my office. They cried in the Oval Office.
Donald Trump: (02:15)
Two weeks later, they’re out saying, “Gee, we have to defeat him.” Criminal
justice reform, prison reform, Opportunity Zones with Tim Scott, a great
Senator from South Carolina. He came in with this incredible idea for
Opportunity Zones. It’s one of the most successful programs. People don’t talk
about it. Tremendous investment is being made, biggest beneficiary, the black
and Hispanic communities. And then Historically Black Colleges and
Universities, after three years of coming to the office, I love some of those
guys, they were great. They came into the office and I said, “What are you
doing?” After three years, I said, “Why do you keep coming back?” Because we
have no funding.” I said, “You don’t have to come back every year.” “We have to
come back.”
Donald Trump: (02:57)
Because President Obama would never give them long-term funding and I did. 10
year long-term funding and I gave them more money than they asked for because I
said, “I think you need more.” And I said, “The only bad part about this is I
may never see you again.” Because I got very friendly with them and they like
me and I like them. But I saved Historically Black Colleges and Universities.
Kristen Welker: (03:19)
Okay, and we’re going to talk about both of your records, but your response to
that Vice President.
Joe Biden: (03:23)
My response to that is I never ever said what he accused me of saying. The fact
of the matter is in 2000 though, after the crime bill had been in the law for
awhile, this is a guy who said, “The problem with the crime bill, there’s not
enough people in jail. There’s not enough people in jail.” And go on my
website, get the quote, the date when he said it, “not enough people.” He
talked about marauding gangs, young gangs, and the people who are going to
maraud our cities. This is a guy who in the Central Park Five, five innocent
black kids, he continued to push for making sure that they got the death
penalty. None of them were guilty of the crimes they were suggested. Look and
granted, he did in fact, let 20 people … he commuted 20 people’s sentences.
Joe Biden: (04:12)
We commuted over 1,000 people’s sentences, over 1,000. The very law he’s
talking about is a law that in fact, initiated by Barack Obama. And secondly,
we’re in a situation here where the federal prison system was reduced by 38,000
people under our administration. And one of those things we should be doing,
there should be no, no minimum mandatories in the law. That’s why I’m offering
$20 billion to states to change their state laws to eliminate minimum
mandatories and set up drug courts. No one should be going to jail because they
have a drug problem. They should be going to rehabilitation, not to jail. We
should fundamentally change the system and that’s what I’m going to do.
Donald Trump: (04:53)
But why didn’t he do it four years ago? Why didn’t you do that four years ago?
Even less than that. Why didn’t you when you vice president? You keep talking
about all these things you’re going to do, and you’re going to do this, but you
were there just a short time ago and you guys did nothing.
Donald Trump: (05:09)
You know Joe, I ran because of you. I ran because of Barack Obama, because you
did a poor job. If I thought you did a good job, I would’ve never run. I
would’ve never run. I ran because of you. I’m looking at you now, you’re a
politician, I ran because of you.
Kristen Welker: (05:24)
All right, Vice President Biden, your response to that. And then I do have some
questions for both of you.
Joe Biden: (05:28)
Well, I’ll tell you what I hope he does look at me because what’s happening
here is, you know who I am. You know who he is, you know his character, you
know my character, you know our reputations for honor and telling the truth. I
am anxious to have this race. I’m anxious to see this take place. I am … The
character of the country is on the ballot. Our character’s on the ballot, look
at us closely.
Kristen Welker: (05:52)
Let me ask some follow up-
Kristen Welker: (05:53)
Please respond and then we’re going to have follow up questions.
Donald Trump: (05:55)
If this stuff is true about Russia, Ukraine, China, other countries, Iraq. If
this is true, then he’s a corrupt politician. So don’t give me the stuff about
how you’re this innocent baby. Joe, that calling you a corrupt politician-
Joe Biden: (06:22)
There are 50 former national intelligence folks who said that what he’s
accusing me of is a Russian plant. They have said that this has all the … five
former heads of the CIA, both parties, say what he’s saying is a bunch of
garbage. Nobody believes it except him and his good friend, Rudy Giuliani.
Donald Trump: (06:44)
You mean the laptop is now another Russia, Russia, Russia hoax? You got to be
kidding me-
Kristen Welker: (07:01)
Mr. President you’ve described the Black Lives Matter movement as a symbol of
hate. You’ve shared a video of a man chanting white power to millions of your
supporters. You’ve said that black professional athletes exercising their First
Amendment rights should be fired. What do you say to Americans who say that
kind of language from a president is contributing to a climate of hate and
racial strife?
Donald Trump: (07:24)
Well, you have to understand the first time I ever heard of Black Lives Matter,
they were chanting, “Pigs in a blanket,” talking about police, pigs, pigs,
talking about our police. “Pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon.” I said,
“That’s a horrible thing.” And they were marching down the street. And that was
my first glimpse of Black Lives Matter, I thought it was a terrible thing. As
far as my relationships with all people, I think I have great relationships
with all people. I am the least racist person in this room.
Kristen Welker: (07:55)
What do you say to Americans who are concerned by that rhetoric [crosstalk
Donald Trump: (07:58)
I don’t know. I mean, I don’t know what to say. I got criminal justice reform
done and prison reform and Opportunity Zones-
Donald Trump: (08:03)
… got criminal justice reform done, and prison reform, and Opportunity Zones, I
took care of Black colleges and universities, I don’t know what to say, they
can say anything, I mean, they can say anything. It’s a very… Makes me sad,
because I am the least racist person, I can’t even see the audience because
it’s so dark, but I don’t care who’s in the audience, I’m the least racist
person in this room.
Kristen Welker: (08:26)
Okay. Vice President Biden, let me ask you very quickly and then I have a
follow-up question for you.
Joe Biden: (08:30)
Abraham Lincoln here is one of the most racist presidents we’ve had in modern
history, he pours fuel on every single racist fire, every single one. Started
off his campaign coming down the escalator saying he’s getting rid of those
Mexican rapists, he’s ban Muslims because they’re Muslims, he has moved around
and made everything worse across the board. He says to… About the Proud Boys,
last time we were on stage here he said, “I tell them to stand down and stand
ready.” Come on, this guy has a dog whistle about as big as a foghorn.
Kristen Welker: (09:04)
President Trump, I’m going to give you 10 seconds to respond and then I have a
follow-up question.
Donald Trump: (09:07)
No, he made a reference to Abraham Lincoln, where did that come in? I mean-
Joe Biden: (09:10)
You said you’re Abraham Lincoln.
Donald Trump: (09:20)
I didn’t say, “I’m Abraham Lincoln,” I said, “Not since Abraham Lincoln has
anybody done what I’ve done for the Black community.” Now, you have done
nothing other than the Crime Bill, which put-
Kristen Welker: (09:39)
All right, let me ask Vice President Biden a question.
Donald Trump: (09:41)
And you know what? They remember it because if you look at what’s happening
with the voting right now, they remember that you treated them very, very
badly, just take a look at what’s happening out there.
Kristen Welker: (09:49)
Let me ask Vice President Biden about… Vice President Biden, let me give you a
chance to respond within this context, crime bills that you supported in the
’80s and ’90s contributed to the incarceration of tens of thousands of young
Black men who had small amounts of drugs in their possession, they are sons,
they are brothers, they are fathers, they are uncles, whose families are still
to this day, some of them suffering the consequences. So, speak to those
families, why should they vote for you?
Joe Biden: (10:11)
One of the things is that in the ’80s we passed 100 percent, all 100 senators
voted for a bill on drugs and how to deal with drugs, it was a mistake. I’ve
been trying to change since then particularly the portion on cocaine. That’s
why I’ve been arguing that in fact we should not send anyone to jail for a pure
drug offense, they should be going into treatment across the board, that’s what
we should be spending money. And that’s why I set up drug courts which were
never funded by our Republican friends. They should not be going to jail for a
drug or an alcohol problem, they should be going into treatment. That’s what
we’ve been trying to do, that’s what I’m going to get done because I think the
American people have now seen that in fact it was a mistake to pass those laws
relating to drugs, but they were not in the Crime Bill.
Donald Trump: (11:04)
But, why didn’t he get it done? See, it’s all talk, no action with these
politicians, why didn’t he get it? “That’s what I’m going to do when I become
president.” You were vice president along with Obama as your president, your
leader, for eight years, why didn’t you get it done? You had eight years to get
it done, now you’re saying you’re going to get it done because you’re all
talking and no action, Joe.
Joe Biden: (11:31)
38,000 prisoners were released from federal prison, we have… There were over a
thousand people who were given clemency. [inaudible 00:03:38]. In fact, were
the ones that put in the legislation saying we could look at pattern and
practice of police departments and what they were doing, how they’re conducting
themselves. I could go on, but we began the process, we lost an election,
that’s why I’m running to win back that election and change his terrible
Kristen Welker: (11:57)
Your response and then we’re going to move on to climate change.
Donald Trump: (11:58)
… one question, why didn’t you do it in the eight years, a short time ago? Why
didn’t you do it? You just said, “I’m going to do that, I’m going to do this.”
You put tens of thousands of mostly Black young men in prison, now you’re
saying you’re going to get… You’re going to undo that, why didn’t you get it
done? You had eight years with Obama. You know why, Joe? Because you’re all
talk and no action.
Donald Trump: (12:32)
Well, you got to talk them into it, Joe, sometimes you got to talk them into
Kristen Welker: (12:35)
We’re going to move on to our next section which is climate change.
Donald Trump: (12:37)
… like I did with criminal justice reform, I had to talk Democrats into it.
Joe Biden: (12:41)
You did what we already had done.
Kristen Welker: (12:41)
Gentlemen, we’re running out of time so we got to get onto climate change,
please. You both have very different visions on climate change. President Trump,
you say that environmental regulations have hurt jobs in the energy sector,
Vice President Biden, you have said you see addressing climate change as an
opportunity to create new jobs. For each of you, how would you both combat
climate change and support job growth at the same time? Starting with you,
President Trump, you have two minutes uninterrupted.
Donald Trump: (13:08)
So, we have the trillion trees program, we have so many different programs, I
do love the environment, but what I want is that cleanest crystal clear water,
the cleanest air. We have the best lowest number in carbon emissions, which is
a big standard that I noticed Obama goes with all the time, not Joe, I haven’t
heard Joe use the term because I’m not sure he knows what it represents or
means, but I have heard Obama use it. And we have the best carbon emission
numbers that we’ve had in 35 years under this administration, we are working so
well with industry, but here’s what we can’t do. Look at China, how filthy it
is, look at Russia, look at India, it’s filthy, the air is filthy. The [Paris
Accord 00:00:13:55], I took us out because we were going to have to spend
trillions of dollars and we were treated very unfairly.
Donald Trump: (14:03)
When they put us in there, they did us a great disservice, they were going to
take away our businesses. I will not sacrifice tens of millions of jobs,
thousands and thousands of companies because of the Paris Accord, it was so
unfair. China doesn’t kick in until 2030, Russia goes back to a low standard,
and we kicked in right away, it would have been… It would have destroyed our
businesses. So, you ready? We have done an incredible job environmentally, we
have the cleanest air, the cleanest water, and the best carbon emission
standards that we’ve seen in many, many years.
Donald Trump: (14:41)
And we haven’t destroyed our industries.
Kristen Welker: (14:44)
Vice President Biden, two minutes to you uninterrupted.
Joe Biden: (14:47)
Climate change, global warming is an existential threat to humanity. We have a
moral obligation to deal with it. And we’re told by all the leading scientists
in the world we don’t have much time, we’re going to pass the point of no
return within the next 8 to 10 years. Four more years of this man eliminating
all the regulations that were put in by us to clean up the climate, to clean
up… To limit the emissions, will put us in a position where we’re going to be
in real trouble. Here’s where we have a great opportunity. I was able to get
both all the environmental organizations as well as the labor, the people
worried about jobs, to support my climate plan.
Joe Biden: (15:32)
Because what it does, it will create millions of new good paying jobs, we’re
going to invest in, for example, 500,000… Excuse me, 50,000 charging stations
on our highways so that we can own the electric car market of the future. In
the meantime, China is doing that. We’re going to be in a position where we’re
going to see to it that we’re going to take 4 million existing buildings and 2
million existing homes and retrofit them so they don’t leak as much energy,
saving hundreds of millions of barrels of…
Joe Biden: (16:03)
So they don’t leak as much energy saving hundreds of millions of barrels of oil
in the process and creating significant number of jobs. By the way, the whole
idea of what this is all going to do, it’s going to create millions of jobs and
it’s going to clean the environment. Our health and our jobs are at stake.
That’s what’s happening and what right now, by the way, Wall Street firms
indicated that my plan, my plan will in fact, create 18.6 million jobs, 7
million more than his. This is from Wall Street and I’ll create $1 trillion
more in economic growth than his proposal does. Not on climate, just on
Kristen Welker: (16:41)
President Trump, your response.
Donald Trump: (16:42)
They came out and said very strongly $6,500 will be taken away from families
under his plan, that his plan is an economic disaster. If you look at what he
wants to do, if you look at his plan, his-
Donald Trump: (16:57)
… his environmental plan, do you know developed it? AOC plus three, they know
nothing about the climate. I mean, she’s got a good line of stuff, but she
knows nothing about the climate and they’re all hopping through hoops for AOC
plus three. Look, their real plan cost a hundred trillion dollars. If we had
the best year in the history of our country for a hundred years, we would not
even come close to a number like that. When he says buildings, they want to
take buildings down because they want to make bigger windows into smaller
windows. As far as they’re concerned, if you had no window, it would be a lovely
Donald Trump: (17:32)
This is the craziest plan that anybody has ever seen and this wasn’t done by
smart people. This wasn’t done by anybody. Frankly, I don’t even know how it
can be good politically. They want to spend a hundred trillion dollars. That’s
their real number. He’s trying to say it was six. It’s a hundred trillion
dollars. They want to knock down buildings and build new buildings with little,
tiny, small windows and many other things-
Joe Biden: (18:09)
A hundred trillion dollars, give me a break. This plan has been endorsed by
every major, every major environmental group and every labor group, labor,
because they know the future lies. The future lies in us being able to breathe
and they know they’re good jobs and getting us there.
Joe Biden: (18:29)
By the way, the fastest growing industry in America is the electric, excuse me,
solar energy and wind. He thinks wind causes cancer, windmills. It’s the
fastest growing jobs and they pay good prevailing wages, 45, 50 bucks an hour.
We can grow and we can be cleaner if we go the route I’m proposing.
Kristen Welker: (18:55)
Please respond and then I have his follow up.
Donald Trump: (18:56)
We are energy independent for first time. We don’t need all of these countries
that we had to fight war over because we needed their energy. We are energy
independent. I know more about wind than you do. It’s extremely expensive.
Kills all the birds. It’s very intermittent. It’s got a lot of problems and
they happen to make the windmills in both Germany and China and the fumes
coming up, if you’re a believer in carbon emission, the fumes coming up to make
these massive windmills is more than anything that we’re talking about with
natural gas, which is very clear.
Joe Biden: (19:31)
Find me a scientist who says that.
Donald Trump: (19:31)
I love solar, but solar doesn’t quite have it yet. It’s not powerful yet to
really run our big, beautiful factories that we need to compete with the world.
Donald Trump: (19:42)
It’s all a pipe dream, but you know what we’ll do? We’re going to have the
greatest economy in the world, but if you want to kill the economy, get rid of
your oil industry you want. And what about fracking?
Joe Biden: (20:05)
Put it on the website. The fact of the matter is he’s flat lying.
Kristen Welker: (20:09)
Would you rule out about banning fracking?
Joe Biden: (20:11)
I do rule out banning fracking because the answer we need, we need other
industries to transition, to get to ultimately a complete zero emissions by
2025. What I will do with fracking over time is make sure that we can capture
the emissions from the fracking, capture the emissions from gas. We can do that
and we can do that by investing money in doing it, but it’s a transition to
Kristen Welker: (20:38)
I have one more question in this pile then-
Donald Trump: (20:40)
Excuse me. He was against fracking. He said it. I will show that to you
Donald Trump: (20:45)
I am against fracking. Until he got the nomination, he went to Pennsylvania.
Then he said, “But you know what Pennsylvania?” He’ll be against it very soon
because his party is totally against it.
Joe Biden: (20:54)
Fracking on federal land. I said, no fracking and/or oil on federal land.
Kristen Welker: (20:59)
Let me ask this final question in this section and then I want to move on to
our final section. President Trump, people of color are much more likely to
live near oil refineries and chemical plants. In Texas, there are families who
worry the plants near them are making them sick. Your administration has rolled
back regulations on these kinds of facilities. Why should these families give
you another four years in office?
Donald Trump: (21:21)
The families that we’re talking about are employed heavily and they are making
a lot of money, more money than they’ve ever made. If you look at the kind of
numbers that we’ve produced for Hispanic, for Black, for Asian, it’s nine times
greater the percentage gain than it was under in three years than it was under
eight years of the two of them to put it nicely, nine times more.
Donald Trump: (21:48)
Now somebody lives, I have not heard the numbers or the statistics that you’re
saying, but they’re making a tremendous amount of money. Economically, we saved
it and I saved it again a number of months ago, when oil was crashing because
of the pandemic. We saved it.
Donald Trump: (22:04)
Say what you want to bet relationship. We got Saudi Arabia, Mexico and Russia
to cut back, way back. We saved our oil industry and now it’s very vibrant
again and everybody has very inexpensive gasoline. Remember that.
Kristen Welker: (22:17)
Vice President Biden, your response and then we’re going to have a final
question for both of you.
Joe Biden: (22:21)
My response is that those people live on what they call fence lines. He doesn’t
understand this. They live near chemical plants that in fact, pollute, chemical
plants and oil plants and refineries that pollute.
Joe Biden: (22:33)
I used to live near that when I was growing up in Claymont, Delaware and there
are more oil refineries in Marcus Hook and the Delaware River than there is any
place, including in Houston at the time. When my mom get in the car and when
there are first frost to drive me to school, turning the windshield wiper,
there’d been oil slick in the window. That’s why so many people in my state
were dying and getting cancer. The fact is those frontline communities, it’s
not a matter of what you’re paying them. It matters how you keep them safe.
What do you do? You impose restrictions on the pollutions that if the
pollutants coming out of those fence line communities.
Kristen Welker: (23:07)
Okay. I have one final question called.
Donald Trump: (23:08)
Would he close down the oil industry?
Joe Biden: (23:26)
Well if you let me finish the statement, because it has to be replaced by
renewable energy over time, over time, and I’d stopped giving to the oil
industry, I’d stop giving them federal subsidies. You won’t get federal
subsidies to the gas, oh, excuse me to solar and wind.
Kristen Welker: (24:05)
… and then I have to get to the final question. Vice President Biden.
Joe Biden: (24:07)
He takes everything out of context, but the point is, look, we have to move
toward net zero emissions. The first place to do that by the year 2035 is in
energy production, by 2050 totally.
Kristen Welker: (24:21)
All right. One final question to both of you-
Donald Trump: (24:22)
Is he going to get China to do it?
Kristen Welker: (24:23)
No, we’re finished with this-
Donald Trump: (24:23)
Is he going to get China to do it?
Kristen Welker: (24:24)
We have to move onto our final question.
Joe Biden: (24:25)
No, I’m going to rejoin Paris Accord and make China abide by what they agreed
Kristen Welker: (24:30)
All right. This is about leadership, gentlemen. And this first question does go
to you, President Trump. Imagine this is your inauguration day. What will you
say in your address, to Americans who did not vote for you? You’ll each have
one minute, starting with you, Mr. Trump.
Donald Trump: (24:47)
We have to make our country totally successful, as it was prior to the plague
coming in from China. Now we’re rebuilding it and we’re doing record numbers,
11.4 million jobs in a short period of time, et cetera. But, I will tell you,
go back.
Donald Trump: (25:01)
Before the plague came in, just before, I was getting calls from people that
were not normally people that would call me. They wanted to get together. We
had the best Black unemployment numbers in the history of our country.
Hispanic, women, Asian, people with diplomas, with no diplomas, MIT graduates;
number one in the class, everybody had the best numbers. And you know what? The
other side wanted to get together. They wanted to unify.
Donald Trump: (25:28)
Success is going to bring us together. We are on the road to success. But I’m
cutting taxes, and he wants to raise everybody’s taxes and he wants to put new
regulations on everything. He will kill it. If he gets in, you will have a
Depression, the likes of which you’ve never seen. Your 401(k)s will go to hell,
and it’ll be a very, very sad day for this country.
Kristen Welker: (25:49)
All right. Vice President Biden, same question to you: what will you say during
your inaugural address to Americans who did not vote for you?
Joe Biden: (25:57)
I will say, I’m an American President. I represent all of you, whether you
voted for me or against me, and I’m going to make sure that you’re represented.
I’m going to give you hope. We’re going to move; we’re going to choose science
over fiction. We’re going to choose hope over fear. We’re going to choose to
move forward because we have enormous opportunities, enormous opportunities to
make things better.
Joe Biden: (26:19)
We can grow this economy, we can deal with the systemic racism. At the same
time, we can make sure that our economy is being run and moved and motivated by
clean energy, creating millions of new jobs. That’s the fact, that’s what we’re
going to do. And I’m going to say, as I said at the beginning, what is on the
ballot here is the character of this country. Decency, honor, respect. Treating
people with dignity, making sure that everyone has an even chance. And I’m
going to make sure you get that. You haven’t been getting it the last four
Kristen Welker: (26:53)
All right, I want to thank you both for a very robust hour and a half, a
fantastic debate. Really appreciate it. President Trump, Former Vice President
Joe Biden. Thank you to Belmont University for hosting us tonight, and most
importantly, thank you to those watching tonight. Election day is November 3rd.
Don’t forget to vote. Thank you everyone and have a great night.
[1]« La Russie et l’Iran
accusés d’avoir tenté d’interférer dans la présidentielle américaine »,
France 24, 22 octobre 2020,
[2]« Trump Accuses Biden of Corruption in Final
Presidential Debate », The Week, 23/10/20 consulté le 3 novembre 2020,
[3]« La Chine soutient le gel
des manoeuvres en Corée du Sud », Challenges, 13-6-18 consulté le 3 novembre
OCTOBRE 2020 - Mohamed Diallo Live
Attention : Un commentaire poussif mais utile sur le débat, sous l’angle notamment
des réseaux pédocriminels incapacités par Trump et les patriotes américains. Erreur au sujet des cages, liées au DACA:
Un post de blog mêlant pédocriminalité, trafic d’êtres
humains, drogue à base de sang et élites satanistes sur fond de coronavirus
circule depuis début avril. Il ne s’appuie sur rien.